Thursday, May 22, 2008

Recent Companion..

My recent companion is my patience.. surprised !?! Me and patience have together created is.. In one way, I am forced to have the company of only patience.. and he has helped me well :-) I was doing this craft work when I was in school days, but they creations never neared perfection and was kinda failure.. But now I am able to move towards perfection. Though there are miles to go till I reach the word "Perfection", I happy to begin the journey towards it..

Following are the steps in making this bike. May be this will help some one in making this bike themselves

First thing is the frame of the bike. This has to rigid as this is what is going to hold the bike as one piece .. the frame of this bike looks like this.. you can see a lot of patches. Though it looked ugly, it was these patches that gave the strength to my bike. It will get covered under other parts any way..
More steps to follow shortly..

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